Land is becoming a topic of issue / conflict in land dearth states like Kerala. The administration of private as well as public land thus becomes one of the most important aspects in the State polity. "Land Governance" is an emerging administrative tool in the developing as well as developed countries, whereby the land resources in a state or country are texturally and spatially configured towards better management of the resources for the welfare of the state in general and society in particular. As part of sensitization of this emerging administrative tool a National seminar was organized for the Revenue Principal Secretaries of the various states in India, by Kerala State Land Bank [A Government of Kerala imitative] at Thiruvananthapuram on 8th and 9th of November,2010. The seminar was inaugurated by Hon'ble Minister for Revenue Sri. KP Rajendran followed by the Key note address by Prof. Prabhat Patnaik, Vice Chairman State Planning Board, Kerala and one of the leading Economists in India. The much appreciated seminar the first of its kind in India has witnessed participation delegates from 8 states. The compendium of the invited papers presented in the seminar will be published soon. |