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![]() BLOCK: A large landmass comprising of many re-survey numbers in a re-surveyed Village.
BOUGHT-IN-LAND: The lands which are made the property of Government by invoking provisions of Revenue Recovery Act,1968 DRY/GARDEN LAND: Those land parcels which are not denoted as ‘Nilam’ in revenue records. ESCHEAT LAND: The land which came in the possession of Government as per the Escheats and Forfeitures Act, 1964 EXCESS LAND: The lands which are vested with Government as per provisions of Kerala Land Reforms Act, 1963 POROMBOKE: The land which is under the absolute ownership, possession and enjoyment of the Government which are being reserved for public purpose is not assignable on registry. RE-SURVEY NUMBER: The number which is assigned to a land parcel for easy identification after the re-survey. SURVEY NUMBER: The number which is assigned to a land parcel for easy identification at the time of original settlement. THARISU: The land which is under the absolute ownership, possession and enjoyment of the Government which are being not reserved for public purpose is assignable on registry. UNIQUE ID: The unique identification has been introduced for the easy identification of lands in K.S.L.B and for the quick retrieval of data. The 12 digit code has been allotted to each and every parcel of Government land as per the following procedure. KRD 01 01 01 001. The first three letters represents the Department to which the land belongs. Thus KRD means Kerala Revenue Department.01 denotes the district number as appear in the revenue Guide of 2010.Next 01 represents the first Taluk in that District. Next 01 represents the first Village under that Taluk in the Revenue records and 001 represents the first land parcel reported to Kerala State Land Bank from that Village. WETLAND: Those land parcels which are denoted as ‘Nilam’ in revenue records and which further means land lying between terrestrial and aquatic systems, where the water table is usually at or near the surface or which is covered by shallow water or characterized by the presence of sluggishly moving or standing water, saturating the soil with water and includes backwaters, estuary, fens, lagoon, mangroves, marshes, salt marsh and swamp forests but does not include paddy lands and rivers. ![]() |
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