The concept of Unique Identification Number has been successfully introduced for the easy identification of lands at KSLB and for the quick retrieval of data. The 12 digit code has been allotted to each and every parcel of Government land as per the following procedure; KRD 01 01 01 001
The first three letters represent the Department to which the land belongs. Thus KRD means Kerala Revenue Department.
01 denotes the district number as appear in the Revenue guide of 2010
next 01 represents the first thaluk in that district
next 01 represents the first village under that thaluk in the revenue guide
and 001 represents the first land parcel reported to Kerala State Land Bank from that village.
Thus this UNIQUE ID will be unique to each and every land parcel. This UID number will be embossed in the land bank jundas being erected at junction points of these land parcels. For the easy retrieval of the data this number may be referred in all the communications with the Kerala State Land Bank.